
Showing posts from February, 2021


  Week 4, Term 1, 2021 The most interesting/fun thing we have done during class time this week is Whetu stars because mum got to come and help me create it. We started our art this week and I have chosen to do art with Mrs Kennedy. Our art is going to be a landscape circle but it is not just a normal landscape it's going to be made out of patterns. We created our WhetÅ« stars on Thursday and they look AMAZING!!! because we all put our best into it and made them look great!! Next week we have our school swimming sports. I am feeling a bit nervous but also a little bit excited because I will be with my friends.

Start of the year Reflection

  Week 3, Term 1, 2021 Someone who has helped me with my learning this year is Mrs Kennedy and my friends with things I wasn't sure on but after they helped me I knew everything I was meant to know.  The most interesting/fun thing we have done during class time is water games because it was hot and we didn't get to have the pool that day so our nice and wonderful teachers let us do that!! The most fun thing that I have done at a play or lunch time this year is Crocodile, a game me and my friends play every-day on the big blue and always have fun each and every time we play it. One word that describes learning in Whetu is Fun!! because everything we seem to do is exciting and fun and I never get bored of it.  Something I am looking forward to is camping overnight with my friends and some of my class.