Chapter Chat!!!

 We did Chapter Chat and I did the parashot. I made the parashot with 7 long ballons and then colored some paper towels and then put water on them so it would look like tie-dye and it did. Then I stuck them on paper and then stuck the balloons on the paper underneath and then tied a string on it and made the string even and tied a basket on it when I was going to make it be a seat but I left it like a basket and then I tied more string on it so it was like a kite so I could hold it and get it to fly and so it wouldn't fly away because it was a windy day. When I was running with it it was flying for some time but then three ballons poped and some twisted and so it didn't fly as well and then it wasn't working anymore so I put it in the bin. The part that was my favorite was making the parashot because I got to stick the balloons on and make tie-dye paper. The part that was the hardest was flying it because at first, the string came off so I had to run and get it before it flew away. So then I tied more string on at then it started flying so that was good. Then I and Tayla threw it off the top of the playground well Tayla went to get it. It didn't fly well after its ballons had poped and twisted and the paper had bent so it wasn't that good.


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