tennis tower

Tennis Ball Tower Challenge

Today for our Whetu Challenge we worked in a group to build a tower out of newspaper, 2 straws, and sellotape. We needed to make our tower strong enough to hold a tennis ball and be able to stand alone (not leaning on anything or needing support).

Today I worked with Shirley and Lola. We had to work in pers of three so we decided to work together.

At first, we had trouble with  Getting the tower to stand because when we rolled up the newspaper and started making the tower, it wouldn't stand up.

The easiest thing was rolling up the newspaper and sellotape it up.

The best part of our tower was working with my two buddies because we had so much fun.

Our tower looked bad because it was following apart.

In the end, it was a complete disaster but my favorite part was just working with my friends and trying to get it to work.


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