
Showing posts from 2020

Chapter Chat!!!

 We did Chapter Chat and I did the parashot. I made the parashot with 7 long ballons and then colored some paper towels and then put water on them so it would look like tie-dye and it did. Then I stuck them on paper and then stuck the balloons on the paper underneath and then tied a string on it and made the string even and tied a basket on it when I was going to make it be a seat but I left it like a basket and then I tied more string on it so it was like a kite so I could hold it and get it to fly and so it wouldn't fly away because it was a windy day. When I was running with it it was flying for some time but then three ballons poped and some twisted and so it didn't fly as well and then it wasn't working anymore so I put it in the bin. The part that was my favorite was making the parashot because I got to stick the balloons on and make tie-dye paper. The part that was the hardest was flying it because at first, the string came off so I had to run and get it before it fl...

Case Closed

 Today we got Mrs. Taaffe to come into Whetu. She confessed that she did the crime. She was having computer trouble then she saw the dongle in Whetu so she thought she could just go into Whetu and take it because she didn't think we would find out so she went to the office and turned the Whetu alarm off and went into Whetu and took the dongle and then she saw the mini chocolates and took some and dropped some on her way and when she was trying to push the door open because she heard someone coming so she cut her hand on the door frame when she was trying to open the door and then she got out and ran then hid behind the bush. Then she went to the hairdressers. She also wears scrunchies. Her shoe size matches the footprints from the scene. She was there on the day it happened.

Think like a detective!!!

 I did a sheet where you think like a detective it's really easy. I worked with Marley and when we figured out the codes we made up our own. The first code is a sentence and it says Look carefully to uncover the clues.   The second sentence says This is no red herring I didn't really get the last code.                                               My favorite part was working with Marley and breaking the codes it was really fun and I think I did well.     At first, I didn't know what to do but then Marley told me how to do it and then it seemed really easy.

Athletics reflection 2020 week four

On Athletics day the hardest race for me was 800 meters because I ran around the field 2 times. My favorite race was doing relays and our group came 2nd place. I liked shotput too because I think I did pretty good at it but I think I could have done better. I think I did good at the long jump and had done my best at jumping. I didn't like 200 meters because I could have done better but I still did good I was just tired from my other races. 

Finger Print!!!

 We got to see our finger print's and see what they were. On my left hand, I had all loops and on my right hand, I had loop whorl whorl arch arch. Loop's are the most popular and then its whorls and then its arches. We got to see our fingerprints by rolling our finger one at a time in ink and then we rolled it in a square and that's how we got to see our fingerprint's up close. When your mother is 16 months old pregnant your fingerprint starts to develop.  If you have gone to jail before you could search up the person and see his fingerprint's so is you see fingerprint's in a crime you can search that person up to see their fingerprints to see if it matches the crime fingerprint.

Crime Scene!!!

When I cam back to school I saw the police tape up and a wet sine with a crime scene on it and police tape that say's crime scene do not enter. Then it was class time we got to investigate the crime scene and we saw Mrs. Singh's Driver's license card, foot print's a cracked window with blood on it a cracked vars with some blood bye it and some blood on the floor which is bye a pink scrunchie there was also 16 Milky Way's on the floor and one eaten there was also  a tissue with blood on it which was bye a tissue box and there were 3 staples on the ground and a tipped over jar which was were the Milky Ways were but there are still some Milky Ways in the jar and a spilled drink.  Our group is called the Code Breakers.

Math challenge

 I did my Math Mahi. I did it with Madison. The part that was hard was the last clue. The part that was easy was the first clue. The part that was my favorite was working with Madison.  

Chaoter Chat

I did Chapter Chat. I drew Abby as a rock star from the book wink. The part that was easy was sharping. The part that was hard was getting it finished. The part that was my favorite was coloring it.

Bug Zen tangles!!!

 These are my bug zen tangles. The part that was hard was really nothing because it was just drawing in a bug. The part that was easy was everything. The part that was my favorite was the whole thing.

Math Mystery!!!

 I did another math mystery. I worked with Hannah. The math mystery was about who stole the slice of cake. The part that was easy was the very first clue because I got help from my friend Hannah. The part that was hard was all the rest of the clues. 

Borax Crystal's!!!

 We made borax crystals. I  made it with Carmen, Lola, Marley, and Shirley. First, we got a cup, a stick, a piece of string, and a pipe cleaner which is what we made the spiral out of so the crystals would go and stick on the pipe cleaner. Then we got the cup filled with boiling hot water and then we Mrs. Kennedy put some borax in the boiling hot water then we mixed it in until we couldn't see the borax. The next day we got to see the crystal and this is what it looked like.  

Math Mahi!!!

This week I did another math Mahi. The part that was my favorite was doing the Emoji coordinates. and the time tables and the pluses were easy because I know them really good.  

Cooking !!!

 This week I joined the cooking group!  On the first day, we were planing what we were going to bring to make the soup. We also got to spot the bad thing's that were on the photo like there was a girl that was about to get burned because her hand was on the oven and she was trying to reach the cupboard. We also had to read the first part of the book to know about safety like not having a dog or cat or any animal when you are cooking because it is unhealthy. On the second day, we got to make the soup and it was so fun I bring tomatoes. My mum made me take the whole bag. Then we got to cut the vegetables up I cut up 2 tomatoes when there was 5 in the whole bag. On the third day, we got to eat the soup but I didn't like it that much but I liked the bread and had 3 pieces of it.

Whetu reflection.

  WhetÅ« Workshops Reflection During Term 2 and 3 the WhetÅ« students have had the opportunity to be involved in a range of different workshops. The workshop that I have enjoyed participating in the most has been the science project where we try to make the balloon blow up.  The new learning that I have learned is that you can make paperclips float by putting a paper towel under it and then moving the paper towel away from the paper clip without making the paperclip sink and then it will float. What I have most enjoyed about the workshops are working with my friends and having fun.  I am interested in learning more about other ways about making paper clips float.


 I did another math mahi this one is about where you get a sheet and you turn the pitcher's one-quarter clockwise the part that was hard was really nothing it was really easy. The part that was easy was everything really.


 This is my Art I put a lot of work in it. The part that was easy was really nothing it was all hard I guess. The part that was hard was really everything and it took me a long time to get it finished. The Art was Kiwiana theme so I did Kiwis.

Math Mahi!!!

 This is my math mahi of what we had to do and I did the hard one you could have done a butterfly and other stuff. The part that was hard was getting it in the squares and making it look the same. The part that was easy was really nothing, to be honest, it was all hard for me because I did the hardest one and I wasn't here for half the week. 

Chapter Chat!!!

 This is my chapter chat from last week because I didn't finish it last week. The part that was hard was finishing it because I didn't finish it and that's why I have just the bear colored. The part that was easy was really nothing because I didn't finish it. The reason I did a bear was because in the book wink that we are reading has a bully in it and ross the mane character in the book thinks like him as a bear. And jimmy the bully's name has a jar that he spits in. The part that was my favorite was coloring it.


I finished my Ateroa hero it's about an Ateroa hero like there was Lorde like what I am doing. The part that was hard was really getting it done because I wasn't here for half the week. The part that was easy was writing the stuff down. This is what I write.

Cross Country!!!!

Cross Country Reflection 2020 This year I participated in the NPS Cross Country held at school on the Ngatea Domain.  I ran in the 9 age group. I am most proud of me coming 9th in cross country and I did a lot better last year and pushed myself to a higher level.  I think my effort towards our training at school was really good. My best time running was when I did two small tracks and one big.  I showed the Learning Power of Resilience by trying my hardest and kept going and I wouldn't let the person behind me get in front. 

The Cube!!!

 I made a cube with a sheet of paper that we had to cut out and then glued it into a cube. The part that was hard was putting the cube together because it was not staying that way but then it did so that was good. The part that was easy was taping the cube together. 

Friday challenge!!!

We did a Friday challenge but this time we did something completely different we worked in our constellation docs and made cartoon characters we did the Incredibles. The part that was hard was Manley everything because I'm not that good at google drawing. The part that was easy was also really nothing.  The part that was my favorite was making the characters because iv never made characters like that before. it tuned out bad.

Math Mahi!!!!

I did another Math Mahi this one is like the other Math Mahi for at the start because I did time tables and the dividerbys. At the end, I got to do symmetry where there is half a picture and you try to do the other side of the picture. The part that was my favorite was the symmetry. The part that was easy was the time tables because I know them all.


We did a whetu egg drop challenge. This is what you had to do you make something safe to put your egg in and then drop it somewhere high. I worked with Shirley and Lola.  the stuff we had to use was two ballons string a bag sellotape scissors 3 straws and an egg. The part that was hard was dropping it and trying not to let it crack.  The part that was easy was making it.  The part that was my favorite was making it with my two best friends. The egg did not servive

Math Mahi

I did another task this one was a math Mahi. This is what you do you first do some timetables and then you get instructions that you will read and then you will cut out a circle and fold it up and then cut some bits out and then unfold it. The part that was easy was the folding and the cutting and the unfolding because it was quick. The part that was hard was really nothing because I did it quick. This is what I did for the finishing of part

Math mahi

We did some math mahi were we figer out stuff. The part that was easy was the time tables becaus I new them all. The part that was hard was figering out how to make the four squares into on bye taking away four rods to make one square but hen I got it so that was good. The part that was my favrite was figering out hte square because it was fun.

Matariki stars

We did another Matariki task but this time we made a star. The part that was hard was just cutting out the stars because it took me a long time. The part that was easy was gluing the stars on the paper because I did it nice and quick. The part that was my favorite was coloring in the stars because it was fun to do and because I love coloring in stuff.


We did another Matariki sheet but this time we only got two sheets, one was a word search. The part that was easy was the word search but there were some words I was a bit stuck on like harvest and cluster but I found the words so that was good. the part that was hard was the sheet because you had to find the word that went with the other word like Matariki known as Subaru in Japan. The one that was my favorite was the word search.

kiwi holiday

I did this thing on whoogle there is a blog challenge where you have one 1000 dollars in a lottery and so you have to book a holiday some were in Newzeland. The place I went to was Queenstown and the hotel I went to was Bohemian Pension. The part that was hard was where I was going to go because I could not find a hotel or motel but then I did find one so that was good. The part that was easy was planing what I was going to eat because all I could think of was sushi. The part that was my favorite was planing what I was going to do and then I sore a pool on google to I looked up pool places.

Word of the week

It was my first time doing word of the week. it's when you describe a word like this word oblivious which means like you can't see. The part that was hard was making a sentence out of it because I didn't know what to say. The part that was easy was when I had to write a definition about it because I knew straight away what a could think about and what I was going to write.  The one that was my favorite was writing the definition about it because I could do it straight away and knew exactly what to say and what I was going to write.


I finished all my Matariki sheets.  I had to write everything on the sheets and then color them in. After that, I glued the puzzle pieces on to a sheet. The part that was hard was gluing the thing's on because I  ardently riped one. The part that was easy was coloring the puzzle pieces.

Term 2 reflection

My Term 2, 2020 Reflection The new learning activity that I have enjoyed the most this term are the Whetu challenges we get to do on Fridays because I get to create new things and sometimes work with my friends. Something that has challenged me this term has been the Matariki worksheets because it was hard for me to understand it. The Whetu Challenge I enjoyed the most was the milk bottle creation because I got to paint a milk bottle and put popcorn and lollipops in it. The opt-in workshop I enjoyed the most was doing basketball because I got to learn new basketball skills. An aim I have for my learning is to get up to rock hero on tt rock stars because then I will be really good at my time tables.

egg carten creation

EGG CARTON CREATION This week for our Whetu Challenge we created something using egg carton The thing That I made was meant to be a barn with chickens in it. It didn't turn out to be how I planned it to be.       The part that was hard was the hot gluing because the glue Kept drying and I got burnt heps of times. The part that was easy was the panting and the planing.  It was not good                                                                                                                                                                 ...


I finished the rest of my Matariki sheets. At first, it was hard but then I figured it out by reading the slides. The part that was hard was manly everything nut some parts was easy.


In my homeroom, we are doing this thing about the 7 stars. We all got 5 sheets that we have to do. This sheet that I'm showing you is the sheet I did today.  I got most of them wrong but I think I did a good job. The part that was easy was well acutely manly all of it was hard for me but I did well. It was fun learning new things like this because I didn't know about this stuff but know I do.

Paper plane

Whetu Challenge - Paper Planes Today our challenge was to design an accurate paper plane. We were given a draft piece of paper to trial and a good piece to use once we had tested the accuracy of it. Before we started I thought this challenge was going to be something to do with food.  I decided to use the design of lightning because I thought it would look cool. I also write my name on it in rainbow colors on the side of the plane.  The hardest part was making the paper plane and getting it to work because it would move but the plane would do heaps of flips. During our competition time, I managed to score. I didn't score but I was close.

sick sentinces

This time for sick sentences it was about a snail and a strawberry. The part that was hard was making the sentences because I didn't know what to say. the part that was easy was when I named the snail and the strawberry. 

synthesis eggs

I did another synthesis eggs this time it was about cheetahs.

Ten years time

For this week's math challenge we did it about in ten years' time. The part that was challenging was what my dream job is. The part that was easy was who will still be my friend. The part that was my favorite is when I got to make myself when im 19.

sick sentience

I did another sick sentence. this time it was about an owl and a wasp. The part that was hard was fixing the sentences because I didn't really know what to say. The part that was easy was naming the owl and the wasp because I was just looking at the owl and the wasp and naming them.

Math Mystery

we did another math mystery. this time I worked with Madison, my cousin. The part that was challenging was two dividabys but then we got the hang of it. The part that was easy was the time tables and really everything else. My favorite part of the math challenge was doing it with Madison. The thing that Maddie found hard was the devidabys two But she worked them out and helped me. By Haven.

Synthesis Egg

I did another Synthesis egg but this time it was about tigers. The part that was easy was what I already knew about tigers. The part that was challenging was the egg that said my new understanding is, but then it wasn't so hard when I write something down.

tennis tower

Tennis Ball Tower Challenge Today for our Whetu Challenge we worked in a group to build a tower out of newspaper, 2 straws, and sellotape. We needed to make our tower strong enough to hold a tennis ball and be able to stand alone (not leaning on anything or needing support). Today I worked with Shirley and Lola. We had to work in pers of three so we decided to work together. At first, we had trouble with  Getting the tower to stand because when we rolled up the newspaper and started making the tower, it wouldn't stand up. The easiest thing was rolling up the newspaper and sellotape it up. The best part of our tower was working with my two buddies because we had so much fun. Our tower looked bad because it was following apart. In the end, it was a complete disaster but my favorite part was just working with my friends and trying to get it to work.

sick sentience

We had to do a sick sentence . The part that was challenging was understanding what to do but when I was in a meeting with Mrs. Kennedy she told me what to do. The part that was easy was naming the fish. The part that was my favorite part was naming the fish.

Synthesis eggs

I did a Synthesis Eggs its were we got a piece of paper with three eggs on it the synesis eggs is about the Sahara desert were there were vicious dinosaurs.

maths mystery

We did another math challenge. This time I worked with Shirley and Lola. The part that was hard was doing the math.

Meet our new pet



The things that I used to make my catapult were: rubber bands, ice block sticks, a plastic spoon, and a pom-pom.  To make my catapult I worked with Shirley, me and Shirley are best friends and it was fun doing it together and because we both didn't know how to make one.  The most challenging part was if we were going to get it done because we only had 5 mins left and because I and Shirley couldn't find the right one to do.

Math challenge

We got to do a math challenge. Let's just say it like this, so, its someone's birthday and there is someone that's a party bag spolior and there are math questions that you have to solve and once you've done a math question it will say something like the person's hair is blonde. some times I had to get the teacher to help me and then I got the hang of it.

Onomatopoeia sentence

We had to do an Onomatopoeia sentence thing where it starts off with a word like boom and then you have to make a sentence out that word.

Emoji blog challenge

There was an emoji blog challenge were people could make there own emoji, the emojis I made is a love emoji and a girl emoji.